Saturday, March 16, 2019

Information on the Earth's layers

Planet Earth
The Earth belongs to the Solar System, orbits the Sun in a specific orbit, and the Earth has one moon around it in a special orbit. The Earth's surface is generally made up of land and water, and the water occupies the largest area of ​​the Earth's surface. The water bodies include the seas, oceans and rivers , Water pools, and others. As for land, it is the least area of ​​the earth, and is in the form of different terrain such as plains, mountains, plateaus, valleys, hills, deserts and forests, all of which are from the outer surface of the Earth, Other inner layers, and in This article will address information about the Earth's layers.

Information on the Earth's layers
Here is some information about the Earth's layers and what it consists of:

Man was unable to know the formative nature of the earth until after the technological development that led to the existence of devices and means that enabled man to recognize the terrestrial layers and their contents.
Scientists usually resemble Earth's layers with onion plants. It contains sequential layers deep into the earth's surface and reaches the core of the globe, which is its geological center.
The Earth is generally made up of a group of layers that differ in structural and functional characteristics, geological and chemical characteristics, due to increased underground temperature and the effect of internal temperature increases on the components of these layers.
There are many ways in which scientists have helped to discover the terrestrial layers and distinguish them from each other. The most important of these are:
Geothermal measurement using modern technology.
Analysis of the geological samples of the earth's depths through their access to the surface of the Earth by different volcanoes.
Analysis of the seismic waves affected by the Earth's layers, which helps to study them and their contents.
Measurements are taken to the earth's gravity field.
Earth layers
Earth layers can be divided into the following:

The crust is the outer layer of the earth's surface, which contains all the terrain on the planet, including the water bodies, and reaches a depth of 70 km. The crust can be divided into a thin crust that is located under the Earth's oceans. .
The mantle is the bottom layer of the earth's crust. It is one of the most thick layers of the earth. The mantle is warmer than the earth's crust, with a depth of 2890 km. This layer is characterized by a high proportion of minerals such as iron and magnesium.
Pulp: A layer that is located deep in the earth. This layer is characterized by the enormous temperature, which may reach 6000 degrees Celsius, which dissolves the minerals contained in this layer, and contains the core of the earth on high rates of nickel, iron, sulfur .


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