Saturday, March 16, 2019

How rain is formed

the rain
Rain is one of the greatest blessings God has given us. It is the source of water that is the lifeblood of life and its secret. It is also a source of joy and joy. Wherever the features of life and greenery prevail and revive the earth, rain is the last thing for the water cycle on earth. Water drop in several stages since it is on the ground and in the seas and oceans and in plants and even fall from the clouds, and in this article will explain how the rain and factors that affect the amount of rainfall.

How rain is formed
The rain passes through several stages and steps before it descends from clouds. These stages are arranged as follows:

Evaporation: This is the first stages of the rain, where the drops of water on the surface of the earth in various places evaporation due to the temperature enough to turn from liquid to gaseous state, rising particles of water to the top, where the spaces in the air to carry them due to lack Density and weight.
Clouds form: After the arrival of water vapor droplets to the top begin to gather after reaching high altitudes, gather around the atoms of salts and dust and form clouds, and these clouds move by the currents of the air and gather together to be clouds that carry rainwater.
Rainfall: When clouds are unable to carry water droplets because of their abundance, the clouds condense around each other and rain falls to the ground. If temperatures are low enough, water droplets become solid and fall in the form of ice crystals or cold.
Factors Affecting Rainfall
There are several factors that affect the amount of rain falling and the geographic distribution of precipitation. These factors are as follows:

Wind movement: Wind movement and direction affect where the rain falls. If the wind moves clouds in the oceans and seas towards land, the clouds are loaded with large amounts of water, and vice versa.
Temperature: The higher the temperature in the seas and oceans the greater the evaporation rate, which increases the amount of air moisture and this supports the process of the formation of clouds loaded with rain, increasing the amount of precipitation in areas near the bodies of water.
Terrain: The shape of the terrain plays an important role in determining the amount of rain precipitation as the amount of precipitation is significant in the mountain areas and high areas in general and followed by the plains, while the valleys and deserts have relatively little rainfall and sometimes almost non-existent, because the mountains impede the arrival of clouds loaded with rain to Those areas.


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