Atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure is one of the important concepts and terminology in climatology and weather. Meteorologists have defined it as the weight of an air column located on a specific surface on the surface of the globe of 1 cm2. This weight equates to a column weight of 760 mm. As a reference point for all measurements related to air pressure, and uses the parrograph, metal barometer or mercury and other devices to measure the atmospheric pressure in an area, and the units of millipar and millimeter and centimeter and inches used to measure the atmospheric pressure, and in this article will recognize the reader The effect of atmospheric pressure on humans.
Factors affecting atmospheric pressure
Atmospheric pressure, like other natural phenomena, changes in value due to several factors that can be determined by meteorologists:
The amount of water vapor in the air: where atmospheric pressure is proportional to the amount of vapor; the greater the amount of air in the air the lower the air and vice versa.
Temperature: The atmospheric pressure of an area is inversely proportional to the temperature; the higher the temperature, the lower the atmospheric pressure and vice versa.
Height above sea level: At sea, the pressure is 760 mmHg but the lower the sea level, the higher the atmospheric pressure and the higher the pressure the higher.
Air movement: where atmospheric pressure is inversely proportional to the movement of the air upwards towards the atmosphere, ie pressure decreases and vice versa.
Effect of atmospheric pressure on humans
The Qur'an has stated that since the descent of the concept of air pressure and its association with the previous factors, as stated in Surat al-An'am, the Almighty says: "He makes his chest narrow as if he ascends in heaven." The verse has shown the effect of height on man, The amount of oxygen that is confirmed by modern science, the following are some of the:
Effect of atmospheric pressure on humans as a result of altitude: When rising from sea level, man is exposed to:
Feeling of pain and pressure applied to the bones of the rib cage.
Increased heart rate in order to provide the required oxygen amounts for organs and cells of the body.
The intensity of the symptoms felt by the height of the human, for example at 2500 m high feel dizzy and dizziness, and at 3500 m increased feeling dizzy with fatigue and sometimes loss of consciousness and so up to the height of 7500 m followed by where the oxygen is completely and must be used oxygen cylinders to breathe which is known as the deadly region.
The effect of atmospheric pressure on humans as a result of the decline: When descending from sea level towards the ground, man is exposed to:
Feeling high in the ears and not hearing the sound sometimes.
The desire to vomit.
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