Saturday, March 16, 2019

Causes of global warming

Global warming is one of the most recent phenomena in the world. It means the gradual rise in the temperature of the lower layer of the Earth's atmosphere, which is close to the Earth's surface. The Swedish chemist Svanti Arenus is the first to invent the term "global warming" 1896 by launching its own theory of the role of fossil fuel combustion in raising temperatures due to the increase in emissions to the atmosphere resulting from the combustion process at a rate of 4 to 5 degrees Celsius.

Causes of global warming
Changes in the rotation of the Earth around the Sun increase its proximity to the Sun, thus changing the amount of solar radiation reaching the Earth above the normal range, resulting in obvious climatic changes such as heat rise, snow melting and ice in the poles, and disruption of rainy seasons.
Volcanic eruptions and the resulting lava rush, which increases the temperature of the atmosphere as well as the rush of large quantities of gases and ash harmful to the atmosphere.
Increasing the release of organic pollutants into the atmosphere from factories is causing significant climatic changes.
Excessive cutting of trees and forests that reduce solar radiation and absorption of gases, especially carbon dioxide, used in plant metabolism.
Excessive use of fossil fuels and total reliance on energy generation in all its forms, which increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Air pollution due to the lack of strict control over factories and plants that emit gases resulting from their massive manufacturing processes into the atmosphere without treatment.
Information on global warming
Gases that increase heat are known as greenhouse gases because they warm the earth: carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, methane, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrous oxide.
The concentration of carbon dioxide before the industrial revolution in the atmosphere was 275 parts per million, after it became 380 parts per million, which increased by 30%, and the temperature increased by one degree Celsius.
The temperature is expected to rise between 2.6 and 4.8 degrees Celsius by 2100 unless all measures are taken to prevent this.
Global warming has caused and will lead to the extinction of many species of plants and animals as studies have shown the extinction of many of these species as a result of climate changes that have passed on the planet since the beginning of creation.
Causing increased flooding, sinking of coasts, islands and low cities, increasing hurricanes and storms, forest fires, increased desertification and drought, and violent weather fluctuations.


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